margaret l moser, freelance writer & editor

Margaret L MoserThe City

writer & editorkeyboard

Words are no mystery.

We use them every day. And, generally, we are understood.

But sometimes we could use a little bit more to get our point across.

Maybe you need biographies written for your corporate partners. Or perhaps a marketing piece for your latest CD. Or you've written an article and would like it cleaned up. Whatever it is, I can help.

Politics, movies, finance, parenting, science, music, law — all of those topics, and more, have come across my desk with the fictional ceiling fan haphazardly rotating above it. Reference books, peer-review journals, online marketing efforts, legal decisions — these reflect just a sample of what my game entails. And that game is words.

Effective communication and versatility of genre are my strengths. Words are what I do.


… Cue "Harlem Nocturne" here.