margaret l moser, freelance writer & editor

Margaret L MoserThe City

writer & editorkeyboard



I think we can agree that a wordsmith has to be attentive to nuance, approach, and substance. My work is all about listening, hearing, and perceiving. Most of all (as I know I keep harping on), it revolves around communicating — getting across what one means to say. And in an appropriate style.

For instance, if you want a biography of your CEO written for a website, I craft it according to your line of business and your potential customer base — American Apparel requiring a different framework and speech pattern than, say, General Motors. Ditto as to a piece on Stephen Hawking, depending on whether it’s written for The Royal Society or a high school textbook. Ensuring that the voice suits the audience is one of my great strengths.

No need to take my word for it. Look at a few samples of different subjects and styles and decide for yourself.


"Firearms," from Encyclopedia of Products and Industries


"Dean Martin," from Encyclopedia of World Biography


"Slaughter and May," from International Directory of Company Histories